Appointment and Termination
Your appointment will be for a fixed term of 5 years which may be extended subject to the prevailing Regulations. At present, one extension may be offered of up to 3 years, followed by further subsequent extensions of up to 1 year at a time. The appointment may be terminated prior to the expiry of the fixed-term period by either party giving six months’ notice in writing or such shorter notice as may be agreed by the parties, or as provided by statute or regulation.
If it is the intention of the Commissioner to decline a renewal of contract at the end of the existing period, the Commissioner will use their best endeavours in good faith to afford a minimum period of 6 months to allow meaningful negotiations to take place and to afford the opportunity to seek alternative employment.
Any proposal to remove a Chief Constable will be made in strict accordance with the law and in particular, the process set out in Part 2 of Schedule 8 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.
Salary, Allowances and Expenses
Your annual salary will be £179,667 and is subject to such pay awards and any nationally agreed adjustments, in accordance with Police Regulations.
Any costs in relation to relocation are subject to the agreement of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and should be in line with the PCC’s published relocation policy (set out at appendix 2).
It is settled law that Commissioners have no residual discretion to pay salary, allowances or expenses that fall outside of those specified in the prevailing Regulations and Determinations. Where an allowance is paid which is not specified in the prevailing Regulations and Determinations, it will require the approval of the Home Secretary under Regulation 34(2) Police Regulations 2003.
Vetting and Other Checks
The appointment is subject to security clearance at Management Vetting (MV) level (NPPF) and also Developed Vetting (UKSV). These levels of clearance must remain valid throughout the duration of the appointment.
In accordance with the Approved Professional Practice (APP) on Vetting, the Commissioner’s Chief Executive (as Monitoring Officer) is responsible as Decision Maker in respect of vetting decisions for officers of the rank of Chief Constable. The Chief Executive will work closely with the Force Vetting Manager to process your vetting and regular reviews in accordance with the APP.
Any changes in your personal circumstances that may affect your vetting status are to be brought to the attention of the PCC.
Your employment will also be subject to other required pre-employment checks, including (but not necessarily limited to) references and medical assessments.
Annual Leave and Rest Days
You will be entitled to 35 days annual leave. You will inform the PCC of the dates of your leave.
Rest days are to be taken in accordance with Police Regulations. You are entitled to reclaim any rest days worked by taking an alternative rest day in lieu.
Post Service Employment
You must ask permission before accepting employment within 12 months of leaving the force, if another job would potentially bring about a conflict of interest. In line with recommendations made following the Leveson Inquiry, and in particular recommendation 80 to ensure greater transparency in all post-service employment routes, the post holder must notify the Police and Crime Commissioner if post-service employment might:
- Be a ‘reward for past favours’ granted by the applicant to the employer;
- Be one which could enable a particular employer to gain an improper advantage by employing someone who had access to what its competitors “might legitimately regard as their own trade secrets or information relating to proposed developments in government policy which may affect that firm or its competitors”; or
- Be sensitive for other reasons.
The Commissioner, following notification of any of the above, would then make a decision whether this employment is appropriate.
Your notification of any proposed post-service employment during the 12 months after leaving your role must be in accordance with the relevant West Mercia Police policy.
Role Requirements and Accountability
You will be required to carry out all the duties applicable to the post of Chief Constable of West Mercia Police and be accountable to the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia.
Primary and secondary legislation governs the relationship of accountability between the Chief Constable and the Commissioner. In particular, the prevailing Policing Protocol Order and any local Memorandum of Understanding, make detailed provision in respect of accountability.
You must devote the whole of your time to the duties of the office, as laid down by the Police Act and Regulations. You shall not take up any other additional appointment or undertake a business interest without the prior consent of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
You will adhere to all relevant West Mercia Police policies, including those regarding Gifts, Hospitality and Business Interests, copies of which are available on the Force Intranet.
The appointment will be subject to the Role Profile, which will form part of the contract, and the Police Acts and Regulations (including those relating to pensions) and such other statutory provisions for the time being in force.
The Commissioner expects the Chief Constable to exemplify the highest standards of public service leadership and values, including demonstrable adherence to the Code of Ethics.
The law makes detailed provision in respect of the expected standards of conduct for Chief Constables and for public complaints. It includes post-service obligations. Those matters are not addressed in detail in this letter.
Other Provisions
Your normal place of work will be Hindlip Hall and you will be expected to undertake regular travel within and outside the Force area.
A standard uniform will be provided and any variations from the standard must be agreed by the Police and Crime Commissioner.
NPCC and other representational work may be undertaken with the agreement of the Commissioner.
A programme of professional development will be agreed with the Commissioner, informed by the outcomes of regular performance/ development appraisal and in the light of emerging developments in the nature of policing.
You will be provided with a suitable role-equipped electric vehicle available for official and private use. All private mileage must be reimbursed to the force. Appropriate insurance cover for yourself and any authorised third parties will be paid for and provided by the Commissioner.
You will be entitled to second class rail travel for official business journeys within the United Kingdom and economy class air travel when undertaking international duties. The Commissioner will undertake to provide insurance cover for overseas journeys.
Home to duty mileage will be regarded as a private journey unless required to travel on a rest day, annual leave or called in to work.
Subsistence allowances may be claimed subject to the following provisions:
- In the case of an absence overnight, accommodation as booked through the Force’s approved agency. Meals may be claimed either from the menu of the accommodation venue or if taken elsewhere, subject to a limit of £10 for breakfast, £10 for lunch and £25 for evening meal. No expenditure for alcohol may be claimed.
- Where no overnight absence is required, subsistence allowances for meals (in the terms set out above) may be claimed in appropriate circumstances, for example, when the performance of duties causes an exceptional disturbance to domestic arrangements or when entertaining visitors on behalf of the Force or the Commissioner.
The Commissioner shall pay all professional subscriptions and indemnity insurance reasonably required for the post, for example NPCC and CPOSA membership (excluding the cost of the proactive element of the CPOSA insurance which must be reimbursed). Where allowances and expenses are payable within the Commissioner’s discretion (as opposed to those prescribed by Regulations) the Commissioner reserves the right to review vary or withdraw those allowances and expenses on reasonable notice.