Quarter 1 – 2023/24
Meeting Details
Chair: PCC John Campion
Date: Thursday 31st August 2023
Time: 2PM
- John Campion – Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC)
- Marc Bayliss – Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC)
- Charity Pearce – Policy Officer (CP)
- Nicola Lowery – Policy Officer (NL)
- Pippa Mills – Chief Constable (CC)
- Alex Murray – Deputy Chief Constable (DCC)
- Richard Cooper – Assistant Chief Constable (ACC)
- Grant Wills – Chief Superintendent (C/Supt)
Items for Discussion
1.Review of Action Tracker
Papers: Action Log
2. Chief Constable Assessment on Quarterly Performance
- Safer West Mercia Plan and Budget Priorities
- Public confidence
- Non-emergency contact: 101 call handling performance and online crime reporting
- VCOP compliance
- Road Safety- Killed and seriously injured.
- Any other performance areas as determined by the Chief Constable.
- Quarterly performance report
- Presentation / briefing to be provided by the CC at the meeting and shared with the OPCC after the meeting.
3. Quarterly Update on Performance/Activity Related to the National PCC/CC Priorities for Policing
- National Priorities for Policing
- Homicide
- Serious Violence
- Drugs / County Lines
- Neighbourhood Crime
- Satisfaction
- Cyber Crime
Papers: Quarterly update on the National Policing Priorities
4. Quarterly HMICFRS Update
- National inspection of Vetting, Misconduct and Misogyny in the Police Service
- To include a brief CC assessment of overall progress AND a focus on the following:
- Progress against the 5 national AFIs
- Progress against the relevant national recommendations that superseded the 4 local AFIs identified within the HMICFRS report into the effectiveness of vetting and counter corruption arrangements.
Papers: Quarterly HMICFRS update
5. Summary of Actions Arising
6. AOB
7. Confirmation of Next Meeting Type/Date/Time/Venue
Thematic – Diversity, Equality and Inclusion