The Commissioner must set an annual precept and budget for the financial year 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 in compliance with the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and the Police and Crime Panel (Precept and Chief Constable Appointments) Regulations 2013 made thereunder.
Having regard to the Draft Budget Report of the Treasurer (Appendix A), and the precept consultation report (Appendix B) the Commissioner has proposed a £14.00 or 5.05% increase in the precept for 2025/26.
This proposal has been considered by the West Mercia Police and Crime Panel and approved by them (response to proposal at Appendix C). The Commissioner has responded to the Panel by letter (Appendix D).
It is proposed that the PCC approves a precept as set out below, and within the appendix draft budget report:
A precept increase of 5.05% (£14.00 increase) for a Band D Property for the 2025/26 financial year. The precept proposed is £291.50.The precept and government settlement funding set a net revenue budget of £302.259m before contributions to/from reserves.
The consequential council tax for each property band will be as follows:
Precept Band | £ |
Band A (6/9th) | 194.33 |
Band B (7/9th) | 226.72 |
Band C (8/9th) | 259.11 |
Band D | 291.50 |
Band E (11/9th) | 356.28 |
Band F (13/9th) | 421.06 |
Band G (15/9th) | 485.83 |
Band H (18/9th) | 583.00 |
All Figures are rounded to 2 decimal places
That the Chief Executive to the Office of the PCC for West Mercia be authorised to issue Precepts Notices on the West Mercia billing authorities as follows:
Local Authority | Precept Demand £ |
Bromsgrove District Council | 11,181,910.85 |
Herefordshire Council | 21,226,079.71 |
Malvern Hills District Council | 9,782,159.92 |
Redditch Borough Council | 7,711,778.25 |
Shropshire Council | 35,380,532.66 |
Telford and Wrekin Council | 16,955,010.05 |
Worcester City Council | 9,785,975.65 |
Wychavon District Council | 15,673,182.53 |
Wyre Forest District Council | 10,301,027.00 |
TOTAL | 137,997,656.62 |
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner
I hereby approve the above proposal.
By virtue of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 and the Police and Crime Panel (Precept and Chief Constable Appointments) Regulations 2013 the Commissioner is obliged to issue a Police and Crime precept for the year commencing April 2025. The PCC must also set a budget for the financial year.
Having regard to the Draft Budget Report of the Treasurer (Appendix A), and the precept consultation report (Appendix B) the Commissioner has proposed a £14.00 or 5.05% increase in the precept for 2025/26.
The draft budget report presented to the Police and Crime panel contained the following Budget proposals:
The PCC is recommended to approve:
a) A net revenue budget after savings of £302.487m
b) A contribution of £0.228m is made from reserves
c) A net budget requirement of £302.259m
d) A Council Tax for a Band D property at £291.5
e) A Council Tax for a Band D property calculated as follows:
£m | |
Budget Requirement (Net Revenue Expenditure) | 302.259 |
Less Funding | |
Police Grant | 95.987 |
Revenue Support Grant | 55.348 |
Council Tax Support Grant | |
Council Tax Freeze Grant | 9.200 |
2013/14 | 1.976 |
2011/12 | 0.800 |
Sub Total | |
Less: Collection Fund Surplus/(deficit) | 0.950 |
Amount required to be raised by Council Tax | 137.998 |
Divided by Aggregate Council Tax Base | 473,405.34 |
Basic Amount of Council Tax at Band D | £291.50 |
The consequential Council Tax for each property band will be as follows:
Band A (6/9th) | 194.33 |
Band B (7/9th) | 226.72 |
Band C (8/9th) | 259.11 |
Band D | 291.50 |
Band E (11/9th) | 356.28 |
Band F (13/9th) | 421.06 |
Band G (15/9th) | 485.83 |
Band H (18/9th) | 583.00 |
All Figures are rounded to 2 decimal places
g) That the Chief Executive to the Office of the PCC for West Mercia be authorised to issue Precepts Notices on the West Mercia billing authorities as follows:
Bromsgrove District Council | 11,181,910.85 |
Herefordshire Council | 21,226,079.71 |
Malvern Hills District Council | 9,782,159.92 |
Redditch Borough Council | 7,711,778.25 |
Shropshire Council | 35,380,532.66 |
Telford and Wrekin Council | 16,955,010.05 |
Worcester City Council | 9,785,975.65 |
Wychavon District Council | 15,673,182.53 |
Wyre Forest District Council | 10,301,027.00 |
TOTAL | 137,997,656.62 |
h) The reserve strategy set out in pages 39 – 44 of the budget report
i) The outline capital budget in pages 36 – 39 of the budget report
j) All officers be instructed to exercise tight budgetary control and individual budget holders should ensure compliance with financial regulations. Caution will be exercised in entering into expenditure which creates additional commitments in future years. The PCC will be kept fully informed of the financial position throughout the year.
k) In approving the budget, the PCC notes the Treasurer’s comments in pages 39 – 44 of this report in respect of the robustness of the budget and the adequacy of reserves.
l) That the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) be reviewed and revised by 30th September 2025. As part of this, the business planning and budget setting process will be reviewed and improved.
The Chief Constable has produced and agree with the PCC a detailed plan for the implementation of West Mercia Police element of the budget, including the delivery of the savings required to balance the budget. All income received above that agreed in the budget is held by and at the direction of the PCC. The Police and Crime Panel met on 5th February 2025 to consider the Commissioner’s proposed precept. This proposal was approved by the Panel, with
this position confirmed in writing to the PCC (Appendix C). The Commissioner has responded to the Panel by letter (Appendix D).
At the conclusion of this process, it is proposed that the Commissioner confirm the precept and budget proposals set out within the Treasurer’s draft budget report.
This decision supports the following element(s) of the West Mercia Safer Communities Plan:
☒ Cutting Crime
☒ Policing with the Community
☒ Supporting Victims & Survivors
☒ Maximising Resources & Value
The decision supports this/ these objective(s) through the following:
- By providing resources to ensure progress towards delivery of all aims and objectives within the West Mercia Safer Communities Plan
- By funding West Mercia Police to deliver effective policing within West Mercia, both with and for communities
- By investing in police ICT and Estates infrastructure to ensure it is up to date and fit for purpose
- By supporting local partners, whether in the public, voluntary or private sectors to undertake preventative programmes and initiatives to reduce crime in West Mercia
- Ensuring compliance with relevant statutory duties for the PCC
Monitored through Money Matters, Accountability and Assurance arrangements, and activity reporting to the Police and Crime Panel.
Gareth Boulton
13th February 2025
All financial comments are included within the Treasurer’s draft budget report to the Commissioner (Appendix A)
By virtue of schedule 11, paragraph 14 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Police and Crime Commissioner may do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of commissioner. That includes: entering into contracts and other agreements (whether legally binding or not) and acquiring and disposing of property (including land).
Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Part 1 of this form will be made available on the West Mercia Commissioner’s website. Any facts and advice that should not be made automatically available on request are not included in Part 1 but instead in a separate Part 2 report.
Chief Executive Officer
13th February 2025