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Reference: 2021 – 258 / WE4846
Date of response: 15th October 2021



To whom it may concern,

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with full details of staffing changes within the OPCC since the election in May.

Please include:

  1. Number of staff hired, including job titles and salaries
  2. Number of staff made redundant or who have resigned or retired, including severance payments


Please see the below response to your request.

In the interests of transparency, some additional context around recruitment has also been provided where it is relevant.

  1. Number of staff hired, including job titles and salaries.

i) Digital Media and Engagement Assistant, salary grade D (£23,817 – £26,016). This post holder took up the position in June 2021, but was offered the post prior to the outcome of the PCC elections in May 2021.

ii) Communications and Engagement Officer, salary grade F (£32,673 – £34,578).

iii) Policy and Commissioning Intern, salary £18,501. This post holder took up the position in August 2021, but was offered the post prior to the outcome of the PCC election in May 2021.

iv) Commissioning Officer, salary grade F (£32673 – £34,578).

v) Deputy PCC, salary £30,600.

  1. Number of staff made redundant, or who have resigned or retired, including severance payments

i) Treasurer (retired)
ii) Diversionary Network Lead (resigned / end of fixed term contract)
iii) Staff Officer – shared post (retired)

No severance payments have been made.

No other disclosable information is held by this office.

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write to the Information Compliance Unit; Information Compliance Unit, PO Box 55, Worcester, WR3 8SP. Email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

FOI Officer
West Mercia PCC


If you think that the Police and Crime Commissioner has failed to supply information in accordance with the publication scheme, then you should write in the first instance, to the:

Chief Executive, OPCC – West Mercia, Hindlip Hall, Worcester. WR3 8SP

The PCC will aim to deal with your complaint within 10 working days. If you are dissatisfied with the response you can ask for the matter to be internally reviewed. Internal reviews will be completed promptly and a response given to you within 20 working days of your further request.

If, after the internal review, you remain dissatisfied, then you can complain to the Information Commissioner (Office of the Information Commissioner), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF).