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Reference: 2023 – 362 / WE9074
Date of response: 15th December 2023



Please can we request the following information under Freedom of Information regulations:

Qu 1. How many new permanent hires joined your organisation in 2022?
Qu 2. How many new permanent hires came through external providers in 2022?
Qu 3. How many team members work in your Recruitment Team?
Qu 4. What is your time to hire from adverting to onboarding?
Qu 5. What was your attrition rate in 2022?
Qu 6. What is your average cost per hire (including attraction and screening) in 2022?
Qu 7. How much did you spend with external providers of permanent recruitment in 2022?
Qu 8. How many unique agency contractors/temps/interims did you use in 2022?
Qu 9. How much did you spend on agency contractors/temps/interims in 2022?
Qu 10. Are you meeting your diversity targets? (yes or no)
Qu 11. How many candidates applied for roles in 2022? What is your candidate drop-out
Qu 12. Which systems do you use for your permanent recruitment process?


Please see the below response to your request.

Your Freedom of Information request is refused, and this correspondence acts as our
Refusal Notice.

It is exempt under S.12 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Exemption where
cost of compliance exceeds appropriate limit.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner estimates that the cost of complying
with the request would exceed the appropriate limit and neither confirms or denies whether it holds the information you have sought.

If you are dissatisfied with this response you have the right to take the matter up with the
Information Commissioner.

Yours sincerely,

FOI Officer
West Mercia OPCC

Response Reviews

If you think that the Police and Crime Commissioner has failed to supply information in accordance with the publication scheme, then you should write in the first instance, to the:

Chief Executive, OPCC – West Mercia, Hindlip Hall, Worcester. WR3 8SP

The PCC will aim to deal with your complaint within 10 working days. If you are dissatisfied with the response you can ask for the matter to be internally reviewed. Internal reviews will be completed promptly and a response given to you within 20 working days of your further

If, after the internal review, you remain dissatisfied, then you can complain to the Information Commissioner (Office of the Information Commissioner), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF).

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please write to the Information Compliance Unit; Information Compliance Unit, PO Box 55, Worcester, WR3 8SP. Email: [email protected]