West Mercia Governance Board
Notes of Meeting
Wednesday 22nd June 2022, 14:00-16:00
Willison Room, Hindlip and Zoom.
- John Campion (JC) Co-Chair – Police & Crime Commissioner
- Pippa Mills (PM) Co-Chair – Chief Constable
- Gareth Boulton (GB) – Deputy Chief Executive Officer
- Paul Benfield (PB) – Treasurer
- Julian Moss (JM) – Deputy Chief Constable
- Rachel Jones (RJ) – ACC Local Policing
- Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) – Director of Business Services
- Richard Muirhead (RM) – Head of Commercial Services
- Lizi Platts (LP) – Communications & Engagement Manager, OPCC
- Alexa Neville (AN) – Head of Corporate Communications
- Richard Cooper (RC) – ACC C&V
- Tracey Onslow (TLO) – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner
Ref 01/22/06/2022
Attendance and Apologies
See above.
Ref 02/22/06/2022
Minutes and action updates for the meeting held on the 17th May – (for Agreement) (paper)
Decision: The minutes for May were accepted.
Action updates: Refer to the spreadsheet for updates.
Ref 03/22/06/2022
Deep Dive – Communications Strategy – (for discussion).
The paper was circulated, presented and discussed, with the additional comments made.
– The CC asked how media platforms will be used for publications, with the response being the development of a corporate comms digital media capability. A review on this will be held.
– The PCC asked how the SNTs play a part in the social/public media publications and how the inconsistencies on this can be addressed. The response was that training will be given, in quarter 4.
– It was felt it was not necessary to wait for a specific digital media post to be filled, and that there is a need to scope a joined approach to publications in quicker time.
– The PCC asked what is being done around the accessibility of the published communications, the response being this is being addressed.
– Training is being given within the Corporate Comms team to ensure wider publications are produced, where appropriate as opposed to on a siloed or blanket approach basis.
– The paper does not include the Safer Roads Partnership campaigns section. This will be circulated.
– The PCC asked; In terms of our Partners, is it felt we get enough benefit from them, how can relationships be better exploited. The response was that this could be better, some Partners are better than others in their approach.
It was felt this is an area that can be explored via the confidence board.
– The question was asked; of future conflicts between the 2 offices and how they will be resolved to a mutual end, and recognition of the need for joint and/or separate agreements. The response was this will be covered in a process which will recognise any learning and/or criticism being acknowledged.
– The resilience of the teams and any joint working/shadowing and development opportunities was discussed.
– In general it was felt the improvements being made are positively noticeable. The paper was positively received, and appreciated by the CC and PCC.
Ref 04/22/06/2022
Local Policing Community Charter – (for information)
The paper was circulated and discussed.
– The PCC expressed his positivity regarding the language used in the current Local Policing Charter and suggested it only needs tweaking, not re-writing.
Action: The areas of greater focus/campaigning on, are to be discussed and agreed by the PCC and CC.
– Overall, the review and this paper were welcomed by the PCC.
Ref 05/22/06/2022
Money Matters 2021 – 2022 Budget Report – (for information).
The report was circulated and discussed.
– The PCC sought reassurance the savings measures achieved to date, then continue. Reassurance was provided that savings will be recognised.
– The report was positively received with the agreement that it will continue to be brought to this meeting in this format, with a more in depth version on a quarterly basis
Ref 06/22/06/2022
Value for Money Report – (for discussion).
The report was circulated and discussed.
– It is to be noted that caution is needed on capital spend and robust business cases are to be submitted for justification of capital expenditure. Cashable returns are needed.
– With the Estates Strategy currently out for consultation, the CC asked if there are any opportunities within this for the need to raise awareness on the cautious approach to be taken with capital spending.
Action: The PCC is to consider any opportunities for receipt of capital as opposed to spend.
– Overall the report was well received.
Ref 07/22/06/2022
C&T Update – (for information and discussion).
The update report was circulated and discussed.
Ref 08/22/06/2022
ACC/ACO Updates – (for information and discussion).
The updates were circulated and discussed.
Ref 09/22/06/2022
Update re Op Lincoln for action 16 – (for information).
The update was circulated and noted.
Ref 10/22/06/2022
AOB – (for discussion).
Forward Plan.
August – Prevention Deep Dive.
– Quick wins that can be achieved/are to be achieved are to be included (i.e. initial data).
– September – Inclusion
– October – Deep Dive on OOCD/Criminal Justice/sexual violence
– November – Confidence
– December – Commissioning around DA
Action: GB/JM are to propose how the OPCC/Force can influence strategic commissioning.