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A new vehicle designed to tackle the rural roads of Shropshire has been funded by the PCC.

As part of Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion’s commitment to ensuring police officers can be visible in all parts of the county, including in its rural areas, he has funded a new 4×4 vehicle.

The robust vehicle, which is being allocated to the Bishop’s Castle Safer Neighbourhood Team, will allow officers to further tackle criminality in the countryside, including farm thefts and wildlife crime.

The new 4×4 will increase officer presence in remote areas and allow them to continue protecting rural communities from being subject to crime.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “As Commissioner, reducing rural crime is central to keeping the communities of Shropshire safe. Rural areas are vitally important to our region, and the public rightly expects our officers to be visible and equipped with the right tools necessary to fighting crime in the countryside. I am therefore pleased to release funding for this new vehicle, which will directly contribute to maintaining safety within Shropshire.”

Issued on: Thursday 27th August 2020