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Committed to putting policing in the heart of communities, the latest public Assurance & Accountability meeting was held by PCC John Campion with T/CC Richard Cooper on Monday 4 February.

Covering police officer visibility and accessibility, response to crime and the police estate, the full meeting is now available to watch on the PCC’s YouTube channel.

Amplifying the public’s voice, the PCC held two online focus groups before the meeting where more than 40 residents from across West Mercia fed back on their views, experiences and concerns. Those voices were played throughout the session.

PCC John Campion said: “I talk a lot about wanting the public at the heart of policing because it isn’t just about what West Mercia Police is doing well, but understanding areas where improvements are needed.

“My latest meeting with the Chief Constable was an opportunity to raise those concerns to ensure the force is listening, delivering and acting on them to further embed policing in local communities.”

The video can be viewed here.

‘Policing with the community’ is one of four key priorities within the PCC’s new West Mercia Safer Communities Plan.