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A national inspection to inform improvements to the prison and probation service has praised a service in West Mercia which helps women break the cycle of crime.

The Local Initiatives Nurturing Change (LINC) programme, delivered by Willowdene and funded by Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion, has been showcased as best practice in a report from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation.

Providing a holistic and trauma informed approach, the PCC invested more than £100,000 into the LINC programme earlier this year.

The programme offers an alternative to custody, equipping and empowering women to break free from situations and circumstances including domestic abuse, sexual exploitation, offending, and substance misuse.

To recognise the work of the Willowdene team and congratulate them on the national appraisal, the PCC visited Willowdene Farm this week.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “Matt and the team are leading the way to ensure women deal with the trauma of the past so they can have a better future.

“It’s no surprise that their work has received national appraisal and why I continue to be a proud supporter of Willowdene and the range of life-changing programmes they offer.”

Dr Matt Home, Chief Executive Officer at Willowdene said: “Without the support of PCC John Campion we would not be able to deliver the LINC programme, which is instrumental in supporting vulnerable women.

“The team at Willowdene are proud that the LINC project was recognised by the inspectorate and to receive ongoing support from the PCC.”

Read the Effective practice: Working with women report.