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A ‘Big Conversation’ focused on the public’s policing priorities is now live.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion is currently developing his police and crime plan, setting the blueprint for policing in West Mercia over the next four years.

Committed to ensuring local communities play a key role in shaping the final plan, more than 140 residents got involved in his Big Conversation by submitting their thoughts, feelings, and priorities.

Forming the heart of the chat, the public’s comments were discussed by the PCC with West Mercia Police’s T/Chief Constable, Alex Murray and T/Deputy Chief Constable, Richard Cooper and his Head of Commissioning & Policy, Claire Richardson.

Available to watch in full, the Big Conversation covers a range of topics including police visibility and accessibility, anti-social behaviour, knife crime and much more –

PCC John Campion said: “I would like to thank everyone who got involved in my Big Conversation by submitting their feedback and suggestions – I hope it shows your voice really does matter.

“As I develop my new police and crime plan, I am committed to putting your views at its heart to ensure West Mercia Police continues to deliver a service that matches your priorities over the next four years.”

T/Chief Constable Alex Murray said “This was a great opportunity to involve the public and hear what matters to you most, including keeping policing in the heart of their community, making our roads safer and tackling those issues that impact them most.   

“The good news is that there is huge pieces of work already ongoing to address these issues, to fight crime and keep our communities safe. This was a great chance to share details about this work and we will continue to work with the Police and Crime Commissioner to listen to you.”

There will be an opportunity for the public to get involved again with a consultation taking place later in the year on the PCC’s proposed police and crime plan.