PCC John Campion said: “I welcome HMICFRS’s latest inspection, focused on national homicide prevention. Whilst West Mercia Police wasn’t one of the forces inspected, I note the recommendations, specifically two for Chief Constables – ongoing review of death investigations and that lessons are learnt from homicides and serious violence incidents.
“Within West Mercia, I recognise the excellent work from the force in bringing offenders to justice, however I also recognise that there is more that can be done around prevention. I am taking the necessary steps to tackle this crime and drive down the number of people who are killed at the hand of others. By bringing together West Mercia Police and local partners, through the Crime Reduction Board, I am committed to collectively ensuring we are focused on getting to the root cause of how someone has come to lose their life.
“I will continue to support and challenge the force to ensure investment is given to the right areas, such as investigations and technology. I will also ensure I am working with commissioned services that are also focused on tackling this heinous crime.”