Executive Summary
The current Intern role ceases on 9th August 2023. Recruitment processes have been undertaken to recruit for a backfill of this role. Within this process, two suitable candidates have been identified. Appointment of two interns is outside of existing OPCC budget structures. Therefore approval is required for a second internship position.
The PCC is therefore required to approve the recruitment of a full-time second intern for a twelve-month period — August 2023 to August 2024, subject to vetting procedures.
It is proposed that the Commissioner approve;
- The creation of a second post within the OPCC staffing structure for a fulltime, 12-month Policy and Commissioning Intern at a cost of circa E28,000. This is to be funded from the Budget implementation reserve.
- If an underspend is reported in the OPCC governance budget for the financial year, this would be used to offset the use of the reserve.
Approval Of
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner
Part 1 – Non Confidential Exempt Facts and Figures
Supporting Report
As part of the recruitment process for a new twelve-month Policy and
Commissioning Intern role, two candidates have been identified as being suitable for the vacancy. Team capacity and workload have been considered and assessed, and it has been deemed there is opportunity and appetite for a second full-time Intern for the same period.
The current Intern is due to complete their contract requirements with the OPCC on the 8th of August 2023. It is proposed that, subject to vetting, the two new interns would start in August 2023.
The recruitment of a second intern will provide greater capacity and resilience across both the Policy and Commissioning teams. The PCC has also expressed that the recruitment of this additional resource will provide greater resilience and support to his role and will support the work of the Safer West Mercia Plan.
The addition of this resource will also provide further resilience and capacity to the wider OPCC teams, as it is anticipated both Interns will now receive a broader OPCC experience and will be required to support and observe the wider OPCC functions, such as Communications and Engagement and Administrative / Secretariat support.
Approval is therefore sought for the allocation of £28,000, to support the recruitment of a second Intern role. This cost assumes that the employee is in the Pension Scheme, works Full Time and that a 7% pay increase is awarded from the 1st September 2023 (in line with national police officer pay award, details for police staff remain subject to confirmation).
Strategic Considerations
This decision supports the following element(s) of the Safer West Mercia Plan:
- Putting Victims and Survivors First
- Building a More Secure West Mercia
- Reassuring West Mercia’s Communities
The decision supports this/ these objective(s) through the following:
Increased commissioning activity output resulting in;
- Communities feeling safer
- Increased diversionary activities for those at risk of offending
- Increased tailored services for all victims of crime
Increased interventions which tackle offending behaviour Increased policy activity output resulting in;
- Communities feeling safer
- Increased understanding of the main issues affecting policing and the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Increased research and knowledge on key areas of business Increased contribution to the development, monitoring and implementation of the Police and Crime Plan
- Increased general capacity within the Office of the PCC as the additional intern post will be expected to contribute within all teams
Benefits and their Realisation
As set out above.
Meg Harris-Corbett, 30th May 2023
Financial and Treasurer Comments
The costs associated with the recommended option represent growth within the OPCC Governance expenditure, as there is no budget available for this post.
The proposed option would require an additional £28,000 to be approved. There is currently no reported underspend within the OPCC Governance Budget and so would require drawdown from reserves to fund this.
The expectation is that it would be taken from the Budget Implementation reserve, given the current proposed level of commitment over the next 2 years from the commissioning reserve. If during the financial year an underspend is reported, then this would reduce the requirement to draw down from reserves.
Treasurer, 14th July 2023
Legal Considerations
By virtue of schedule 11, paragraph 14 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 the Police and Crime Commissioner may do anything which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of the functions of commissioner. That includes entering into contracts and other agreements (whether legally binding or not) and acquiring and disposing of property (including land).
Public Access to Information
Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation. Part 1 of this form will be made available on the West Mercia Commissioner’s website. Any facts and advice that should not be made automatically available on request are not included in Part 1 but instead in a separate Part 2 report.
Officer Approval
Chief Executive Officer
Signed, 17th July 2023