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A new grant programme set up by Worcestershire Community Foundation in partnership with the West Mercia Police & Crime Commissioner John Campion, has distributed a share of £100,000 to 15 community groups across Worcestershire.

Focusing on creating safer and stronger communities, the new Inclusive Communities fund is supporting grassroots organisations and community groups to deliver innovative projects to unite communities and prevent crime across the county. The benefits of this funding will work towards the commitments made by the PCC in his Safer West Mercia plan, including supporting minority and underrepresented groups.

The fund has created enormous interest in the county, receiving 50 applications totalling more than £400,000. Grants of up to £7,000 have been awarded to successful grantees, including Our Way Self Advocacy with their Our Stories about Keeping Safe project, Aurum for their support groups initiative for autistic women and girls and the Maggs Day Centre which aims to support the homeless and vulnerable.

Police and Crime Commissioner, John Campion, said: “As set out in my Safer West Mercia plan, I am committed to delivering change by bringing communities together and preventing crime to build a Safer West Mercia.

“It is brilliant to see the number of projects the Inclusive Communities funding will help in Worcestershire, from bringing communities together to preventing crime as I stand by my commitment to ensure everyone is kept safe and feels safe. I look forward to continuing my work with the Worcestershire Community Foundation and hearing the profound impact this investment is having.”

David Shaw, Chair of Worcestershire Community Foundation commented:

“We have been delighted to work with the Police and Crime Commissioner to help support some very worthwhile projects helping many of the most vulnerable communities and individuals across the county. The level of interest in the fund and the range of applications we received demonstrates the extraordinary appetite and commitment to help our communities.  We hope that this funding will provide a springboard for new initiatives for the organisations we have been able to support.”

For more information on Worcestershire Community Foundation please visit: