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More than 100 town and parish councils have completed Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion’s latest annual survey, which provides a helpful insight into the views of local communities.

Looking to drive change in local communities, the PCC will use this feedback, along with West Mercia Police, to shape future activity.

Responses from town and parish councils in Worcestershire showed road safety and anti-social behaviour as their top concerns.

Other findings include –  

  • A third of councils in South Worcestershire think that West Mercia Police is doing a poor/very poor job and do not work well with the council to identify and address local crime issues (70%).

With the same reporting that they never see the police attend local events.

  • The picture is different in North Worcestershire with nearly twice as many councils as last year believing that the force is doing an excellent/good job (80%).

With all councils who completed the survey thinking it is very/fairly easy to access them.

PCC John Campion said: “I value hearing from town and parish councils as they have a strong understanding of the issues in the communities they serve.

“The responses show that whilst there have been some improvements, there’s much more that needs to be done with a clear difference in the service being received in the North of the county, when compared to the South.

“As PCC, I will use all the powers available to me to support and challenge the Chief Constable to ensure community concerns are at the heart of change.”

Local Policing Chief Superintendent Edd Williams said: “We welcome the findings of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s town and parish council survey. The survey provides a valuable insight into the views and concerns of our local communities and help us to fully understand the issues that are affecting them. We take on board the results and are committed to continually improving the service we deliver.”