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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Date: 25th January 2024

Time: 14:00hrs


John Campion (JPC) Chair Police and Crime Commissioner

Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer

Alex Murray (AM) T/Chief Constable

Richard Cooper (RC) T/Deputy Chief Constable

Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services

Toni Williams Long (TWL) Head of People & Development – Guest Presenter

Rachael Thorold (RT) Secretary


Rachael Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services

Rachel Jones (RJ) Assistant Chief Constable, Crime & Vulnerability

Grant Wills (GW) T/Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Ops

Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer

Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer



Introduction / Attendance / Apologies.

Apologies were made.


Minutes and Action Log for the meeting held on 20th December 2023.
The minutes were recorded as an accurate record. The action tracker was updated accordingly.


Fleet Replacement Programme 2024-25. – Papers – For Decision. The paper was presented and discussed.

The PCC raised questions around the narrative of the report and some of the points made particularly in relation to what the decision was and how that relates to the consent that has been already given in the corporate governance framework.  It is felt the £3.363m requested is within the capital programme, which could have been made clearer within the report. The inclusion of the narrative around the current year position did not add clarity or understanding to the request.

The PCC also questioned the articulation within the report around the proposed investment in EV. The paper itself did not make it clear what the benefit of the additional investment in EV would be and felt there have been missed opportunities in not including the lessons learnt from the Worcester Pilot.

The PCC would like to see the data and analysis outcomes of how the electrification pilot has gone and that further information is provided on the benefits of EV to be enable the PCC to support a further investment in EV.

Action 51: Outcomes from the Worcester EV pilot and benefits of EV will be included in a paper on decarbonisation to be brought to the WMGB February 2024 meeting.

The DPCC asked questions of how the WMP policy reflects the changes in Government Policy.  The response was that there is recognition of the national policy, but that this needs to be factor into what the car manufacturers are also doing over the period until 2035.

Decision: The PCC was supportive of the proposal to commit to £3.363m from the capital programme as the budget envelope for 2024/25 for fleet. The Force needs to balance demand from additionality to the fleet, EV investment and the replacement programme from within this allocation.  Currently does not support any additional further electrification without understanding the justification which will be brought to the February meeting.


Local Policing Community Charter – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented and discussed.

The T/DCC introduced the paper and gave an honest assessment of the paper in terms of whether data supports the assertions made, and also whether activity undertaken was proportional and focused on the right areas. It is an area that he wishes to focus on going forward.

PCC and DPCC welcomed the assessment and discussion was held around how the activities carried out by the Police are not always being felt by some of the Parish Councils visited by the PCC/DPCC.  There are recognised disconnects between the statements made in the submitted report and the reports received by the Parish Councils.

The definition of ‘engagement’ and expectations of recording engagement activities, needing to be made clearer was acknowledged by the CC.

Reassurance over the performance regime was requested by the PCC, in that it needs questioning at Superintendent level to ensure maintained compliance with the local policing community charter.

Action 52: – PCC agreed that the OPCC will engage with the Force around a review of the charter. The Force to bring an update to the April 2024 WMGB.

It was agreed that a refreshed charter will be brought to the April 2024 meeting and added to the forward plan.


PEEL Preparation – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented and discussed.

The paper submitted is aimed at providing the PCC with reassurance that preparation is being made for the forthcoming PEEL inspection.

PCC would welcome an invite to the relevant governance board to ensure that the 0PCC can bring their knowledge and expertise of scrutiny to assist in the process that the Force have implemented.

The PCC asked how he can get reassurance on the Force’ self-assessment, reflecting on how the self-assessments on the last PEEL and recent SoC differ to the report of the HMICFRS reports.

The DPCC asked how open and honest the management culture is in terms of PEEL preparedness.  The response was that changes have been made in cultural behaviours by way of recognising where improvements are required, and admits improvements are still to be made.

Action 53: T/DCC to liaise with the OPCC CE on who will engage with the force on how the OPCC can assist the force through this process.

The PCC felt this subject is a standing item on the forward plan to the end of the year, from a progress in preparations being made perspective.


Confidence Delivery Plan – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.


Gender and Ethnicity Pay Gap – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

The PCC welcomed the report and the scope of information that had bene included in the report. The DPCC felt some of the wording on page 5 of the Ethnicity pay gap document needs clarification. Noted that the report would be published on the Force Website to make it available to the public should they wish to read it.

Action 54: TWL is to seek clarification on the meaning behind the words ‘non gap’ used on page 5 of the Ethnicity Pay Gap report.


Op Delivery – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed, welcomed by the PCC and noted.

The PCC proposed holding a wash up for the activities carried out for Op delivery.

The PCC expressed his consternation and concern on the wording used in the description of the delivery of the VAL, which is largely incorrect.  The Service is commissioned by the PCC for the Force to provide the delivery of.  Recognition that this section was incorrectly written, and that it hasn’t been picked up on prior to the paper publication, was provided.

Action 55: The PCC requested the section on the VAL is re-visited with clarification required on the meaning behind the wording used. That the Force liaise with Claire Richardson in the OPCC on the scope of the activity that will be undertaken.

Further discussion was held around the visibility of the Force within local policing areas, and how much time is spent visibly policing against doing the office-based tasks. The PCC welcomed the focus of this work on aspects of policing, rather than a whole system review.

Action 56: PCC to pick up with the CC in next regular 1-2-1 on how this will be managed and assurance provided to the PCC.


Mental health Provision – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

Discussion was held around the chosen option 3 and what the costing is for in terms of the number of sessions per employee.  The PCC sought reassurance the right decision has been made in terms of the cost is worth it.  The response was that other forces use the same service provider with success.


Capital Strategy 2023-24 Review – Papers – For Decision. The paper was presented discussed.

Recommendation proposed to the WMGB: “That the PCC approves the revised Capital Strategy 2023/24, including adoption of the principles set out in section 3 of the paper. The recommendation is that the principles set out in section 3 are adopted and that business and financial planning is focused on meeting these principles, particularly over the medium term.  The aim should be to identify appropriate level of resourcing from revenue budgets to ensure that the capital programmes impact on the revenue budget is managed effectively. The aim should be for it to be done through the following two financial cycles and then as part of BAU going forward. Understood by all that this is a challenging but necessary requirement in terms of budgeting and financial planning.

Decision: The PCC approved the revised Capital Strategy 2023/24, including adoption of the principles set out in section 3 of the paper.


Money Matters Q3 – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

Discussion was held around the anticipated underspend for this financial year and expected government grants.

Decision: The PCC approved the requested virements.


Assistant Chief Constables/Assistant Chief Officers Updates – Papers – For Information. The papers were presented discussed and noted.

Business Services Portfolio Update – RHL – covered by AM and RC

Commercial Services Portfolio Update – RM. Nothing further raised.

Crime & Vulnerability Portfolio Update – RJ. Covered by AM and RC Nothing further raised.

Local Policing/Operational Policing Support/Public contact/Prevention Portfolio Update – GW – covered by AM & RC

The DPCC asked whether there is a Neighbourhood Crime Fighting Team operational in Herefordshire, the response being this would be investigated. Action 57: AM is to find out the current operational capacity of the  Neighbourhood Crime Fighting Team for Herefordshire.


AOB/Forward Plan. The forward plan was updated accordingly.