West Mercia Governance Board
Notes of Meeting
Wednesday 16th February 2022, 14:00-16:00
Willison Room, Hindlip
- John Campion (JC) Chair – Police & Crime Commissioner
- Tracey Onslow (TLO) – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner
- Andy Champness (AC) – Chief Executive Officer
- Pippa Mills (PM) – Chief Constable
- Julian Moss (JM) – Deputy Chief Constable
- Richard Muirhead (RM) – Director of Commercial Services
- Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) – Director of Business Services
- Rachel Jones (RJ) – ACC Local Policing
- Rachael Thorold (RT) – Notetaker, OPCC
- Paul Benfield (PB) – Treasurer
- Damian Barratt (DB) – T/ACC Crime & Vulnerability
Ref 01/16/02/2022
Attendance and Apologies.
As above.
Ref 02/16/02/2022
Action updates for the meeting held on 18.01.22.
Deep Dive: Criminal Justice.
Out of Court Disposals, the LCJB, the use of RJ, recent disclosure changes and ABE suite provision were discussed.
Action: A review of established good practice in Restorative Justice is to be prepared jointly by the Force and OPCC. Update 16.02.22 – See action tracker for update. C/Fwd.
SNT Boundary Changes – for information
Action: ACC RJ is to confirm the definition of the term ‘ward’ as used in the paper. Update 16.02.22 – Complete.
Vehicle write-offs – for decision.
Action: RHL is to check where insurance claim refunds are paid into. Update 16.02.22 – complete.
Money Matters Qtr 3 – for decision.
Action: RM is to check the reported budgetary virements are still being spent on the purpose they were allocated for. Update 16.02.22 – complete.
Gender Pay Gap Report – for information.
Action: RHL will ensure the OPCC Comms team are linked in regarding communications/publications of the gender pay gap information. Update 16.02.22 – complete.
Ref 03/16/02/2022
Deep Dive: Road Safety (Paper)
The paper was circulated and discussed.
– The PCC sought reassurance about increasing police presence in road safety. The force proposal for investment in the RST22/23 will be in a business case which will be brought in due course.
– The issue of the need to increase the collaborative approach to road safety between the PCC, Police and Highways/County councils was discussed.
– A longer term ambition to consider Specials role in roads policing was discussed.
– Collectively there is more that can be done communications-wise on the education of road safety for the OPCC/Corporate Comms teams.
– Reassurance was sought on the accuracy and benefits of the increased road safety activities being carried out, and on the increase in resources and their activities.
– The RoadPeace initiative has been very well received.
Ref 04/16/02/2022
Change to Designated PCSO powers – for information (paper).
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
– It was noted there had been no public consultation and that therefore the public voice had not been considered in this decision as it was the CC’s scheme of delegation.
Ref 05/16/02/2022
West Mercia’s approach to surveying – for information (papers)
The papers were circulated, discussed and noted.
– Prior to making decisions and then carrying out surveys and consultations, the question will be asked ‘should the public be consulted on this’? The Force and PCC will work together on consultations and surveys where there are synergies.
Ref 06/16/02/2022
Justice department – ‘Head of Justice’ post – for information (Paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
– The cost difference of the decision was discussed, with reassurance it had been considered prior to the decision I the Executive Board.
Ref 07/16/02/2022
DEI Governance – for information (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 08/16/02/2022
Relocation expenses for police officers – for information (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 09/16/02/2022
Essential car user allowance – for information (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 10/16/02/2022
Improving services to Victims of Crime (VAL and VCoP) – for decision (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and approved.
Decision: Options B and C, an increase in Victim Care Coordinator Establishment by 2 FTE and provision of 1 FTE Victim and Witness Performance and Insight Analyst for 24 months, funded by the PCC, were approved.
Ref 11/16/02/2022
OCC Roadmap and Public Contact Service Improvement Plan – for information (papers)
The paper was circulated, discussed, welcomed and noted.
– The instability of the operating platform issues are being addressed.
Ref 12/16/02/2022
DST Business Case 22/23 – for decision (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and approved.
– The paper is for the proposed year 3 of the 4 year DST programme It comprises among other elements, M365 rollout, and set out where benefits of the programme will start to be realised and experienced by the end users.
– The figures in the business case are included in the proposed budget. The increase on previous forecasts in funding requested for 2022-23 are a combination of underspends requested to be carried forward, plus a significant inflationary element reflecting the current economic situation.
– Approval is sought for the elements of projected slippage and delayed works owing to various issues.
Decision: Approval was given to proceed with the DST Programme of works and for the associated funding, subject to confirmation of the precise amount of slippage at financial year end.
Ref 13/16/02/2022
Corporate Communications Strategy – for information (papers)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 14/16/02/2022
PSST Analysts – for decision (paper)
The paper was circulated and discussed.
– The presented paper needs to be amended to set out the amount and duration requested, and is to be re-submitted for consideration outside of this meeting. Subject to the final detail, the proposal is likely to be approved.
Action: RJ is to submit an amended paper for consideration by the PCC.
Ref 15/16/02/2022
Monthly Performance Monitoring – for information (papers)
The paper was circulated, discussed, welcomed and noted.
Ref 16/16/02/2022
Estates Strategy Draft Version 8 – for decision (paper)
The paper was circulated, discussed and was approved as a draft for consultation.
Action: Proposals on the extent and nature of consultation on the draft strategy are to be produced for the PCC to consider.
Decision: The Estates Strategy was approved as a draft for consultation.
Ref 17/16/02/2022
Deep Dive work programme – for decision (paper)
The paper was circulated and discussed. It is to be amended and resubmitted.
– It was agreed that Money Matters reports are still be brought to this meeting, but that they do not fall into the Deep Dive programme.
Action: JM/AC are to amend the proposed programme for resubmission.
Ref 18/16/02/2022
ACO/ACC/Transformation Updates (papers).
ACO Update – Update RHL (Paper).
The paper was circulated and noted.
Local Policing Update – RJ (Paper).
The paper was circulated and noted.
C&V Update – DB (Paper).
The paper was circulated and noted.
Ref 19/16/02/2022
None raised.
Ref 20/16/02/2022
Date of next meeting.
25th March 2022, 10:00hrs, Willison