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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Date: 22nd February 2024

Time: 14:00hrs


John Campion (JPC) Chair, Police and Crime Commissioner

Alex Murray (AM) T/Chief Constable

Richard Cooper (RC) T/Deputy Chief Constable

Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer

Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services

Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services

Rachel Jones (RJ) Assistant Chief Constable, Crime & Vulnerability

Grant Wills (GW) T/Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Operations

Chris O’Hara (COH) Head of Estates – Guest presenter

Rachael Thorold (RT) Secretary


Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer



Introduction / Attendance / Apologies. Welcome and apologies were made.


Minutes and Action Log for the meeting held on 25th January 2024.
The minutes were recorded as an accurate record. The action tracker was updated accordingly.


Budget Report 2024-25 and MTFS 2024-25 – Papers – For Decision. The paper was presented and discussed.

The proposed precept increase was approved by the recently held Police and Crime Panel.  The requests brought to this meeting are for approval of the revenue and capital budget for 2024-25 as set out in the Budget Report 2024/25.

Decision: The PCC approved the recommendations as set out in section 3 of the covering report.


Op Wembley – Papers – For Decision.

The purpose of the paper is to capture the work undertaken to date on Op Wembley, and various categories identified for the future of the estate and the proposals for the management of the next phase.

The PCC and CC both recognised the good work done to date and the speed at which it had been achieved.

The PCC stated there needs to be a clear plan for any buildings identified for disposal and emphasised the need for tactical and prioritised planning for further phases of the management of the estate.

Action 2024/58: Further work prioritising estates projects which fall into Category 2.  Develop a plan as to how phase 2 will be implemented that will be overseen by the Estates Governance Board.  Further update is to be provided at the March 2024 meeting.

Action: 2024/59: Development of interim proposals to improve welfare and working environment for Monkmoor and Malinsgate to be completed.


Emergency Services Environmental and Sustainability Group (ESESG) Charter – Papers – For Decision. The paper was presented and discussed.

It was recommended that West Mercia Police signs up to the Charter.  The PCC was supportive of this.

Decision: The recommendation as set out was supported.


Naloxone Pilot – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

The proposal is to undertake a 6-month pilot of Officers carrying and/or the use of Naloxone in Worcester and Telford.  The Pilot has been endorsed by the Chief Officers. Concerns raised by the PCC regarding the pilot were discussed.

The PCC recognised that this is an Operational Decision for the Force to make but raised that he felt there had been insufficient consultation with him prior to the decision being made. Will raise with the CC in future 1-2-1s as to how consultation with the PCC on operational matters can be effective.

As outcomes of the pilot, the PCC would like to know the cost of training, in time and any other areas identified, such as within Custody, for officers carrying Naloxone.


Digital Services Transformation (DST) Roadmap – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

The PCC asked how he is to get the strategic reassurance on whether the actions and timescales are deliverable.  The CC stated there will be scrutiny and governance procedures followed for the DST, with regular meetings taking place, along with updates brought to this meeting.

The Treasurer asked how we get reassurance on whether the correct future proofed infrastructure is now in place.  Reassurance was provided that the programme is both regularly and independently scrutinised, to ensure its suitability.

A Business Case for 2024/25 investment will be brought to the March meeting.


Money Matters Period 10 – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

It is worthy of note that the savings target has been exceeded.

The overtime situation was discussed, and the PCC asked if the overtime approval systems were sufficient and robust, to which assurance was provided.

Decision: The PCC approved the virement of £314,000.


400K Spend update – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

The PCC felt that the £400K has been well spent on a range of initiatives, but also raised a specific concern regarding a perceived lack of expenditure on visible policing in Shrewsbury, given recent community concerns regarding ASB in the town centre.  RC and RJ provided reassurance that specific operational activity is planned in this area, and that a separate briefing could be provided to the PCC outside the meeting.

The PCC requested a final report to the April WMGB summarising the total expenditure and associated outcomes.

Action 2024/60: A final update on the £400K spend is to be brought to the April meeting.


Op Lincoln update – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented and discussed.

PCC queried about how the force plan and measure performance to ensure delivery of outcomes.  Reassurance was provided that this is the focus for 2024/25 in planning the future, and that the high level of Chief Officer scrutiny of an investigation is positive for ensuring outcomes are achieved. It was also noted that the recent HMICFRS value for money review on the operation was positive.

The reduction in Home Office funding and subsequent resourcing for the investigation was discussed.

The PCC felt the concerns around the reduction in the grant for the investigation is to be raised with the relevant MPs, to galvanise their support, to be followed by a letter being sent to the policing minister.

Action 2024/61: PB is to oversee the application for funding from special grant to the Minister.  To draft letters to the Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin MPs seeking their support around the concerns raised on the reduction in grant funding for the Op Lincoln investigation.


Strategic Fleet Board – Papers – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.

The PCC asked around the utilisation of the fleet, are the managers using the data to influence the most efficient usage of the fleet.  Assurance was provided that the utilisation data is scrutinised and used as appropriate.

The Treasurer asked how the utilisation data informs the Local Policing Areas (LPA) have the correct number of vehicles available and that they are maximising the usage of all assets available.   Assurance was provided that each LPA Senior Responsible Officer has access to this data and uses it to ensure their LPA has the correct number of vehicles.


Change & Transformation update – Paper – For Information. The paper was presented discussed and noted.


Assistant Chief Constables/Assistant Chief Officers Updates – Papers – For Information. The papers were presented discussed and noted.

Business Services Portfolio Update – RHL Concerns around the number of PCSOs were discussed, and the PCC asked if any recruitment bolstering activities were planned to address the areas where they are lower in number.

Commercial Services Portfolio Update – RM.

Crime & Vulnerability Portfolio Update – RJ.

Local Policing/Operational Policing Support/Public contact/Prevention Portfolio Update – GW The PCC asked if there were any concerns around the quantum for detectives and local investigation capability for North Worcestershire. Assurance was provided this is being investigated and addressed.


AOB/Forward Plan.

HMICFRS PEEL Preparedness. A verbal update was provided on this occasion, and a paper is to be submitted to the next meeting and meetings going forwards, in line with the forward plan.