West Mercia Governance Board
Notes of Meeting
Tuesday 18 January 2022, 13:30-15:30
Willison Room, Hindlip
- John Campion (JC) Chair – Police & Crime Commissioner
- Tracey Onslow (TLO) – Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner
- Andy Champness (AC) – Chief Executive Officer
- Paul Benfield (PB) – Finance Manager
- Pippa Mills (PM) – Chief Constable
- Julian Moss (JM) – Deputy Chief Constable
- Richard Muirhead (RM) – Director of Commercial Services
- Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) – Director of Business Services
- Rachel Jones (RJ) – ACC Local Policing
- Rachael Thorold (RT) – Notetaker, OPCC
Ref 01/18/01/2022
Attendance and Apologies.
As above.
Ref 02/18/01/2022
Minutes and Actions Updates from the meeting held on the 22nd December 2021 (Paper).
Various amendments were proposed.
Decision: The minutes are to be amended and re-circulated for approval.
Action updates for the meeting held on 22.12.21.
Telematics – for decision (Papers)
RHL is to clarify what the ‘other’ capital in Year 2 and 3 is for. Update 18.01.22 – Complete
Learning Management System Business Case
RHL will revise and re-issue the costings. Update 18.01.22 costings confirmed – Complete
Ref 03/18/01/2022
Deep Dive: Criminal Justice (Papers)
The papers were circulated and discussed.
Out of Court Disposals, the LCJB, the use of RJ, recent disclosure changes and ABE suite provision were discussed.
Action: A review of established good practice in Restorative Justice is to be prepared jointly by the Force and OPCC. Action: RJ/DB/AC
Ref 04/18/01/2022
SNT Boundary Changes – for information (Paper) (closed)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Action: ACC RJ is to confirm the definition of the term ‘ward’ as used in the paper.
Ref 05/18/01/2022
Vehicle write-offs – for decision (Paper) (Closed)
The paper was circulated and discussed.
Action: RHL is to check where insurance claim refunds are paid into.
Any insurance claims coming into the force is to go into the insurance reserves pot.
Decision: The recommendation was approved.
Ref 06/18/01/2022
C&V Blueprint – for information (Paper) (Closed)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 07/18/01/2022
Money Matters Qtr 3 – for decision (Paper)
The paper was circulated and discussed.
Action: RM is to check the reported budgetary virements are still being spent on the purpose they were allocated for.
Decision: The paper and information contained within it was noted.
Ref 08/18/01/2022
Gender Pay Gap Report – for information (Paper) (Open)
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Action: RHL will ensure the OPCC Comms team are linked in regarding communications/publications of the gender pay gap information.
Ref 09/18/01/2022
ACO/ACC/Transformation Updates (papers).
ACO Update – Update RHL (Paper).
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Local Policing Update – RJ (Paper).
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
The average speed camera report for the A449 will be received by the PCC after 6 months of operation.
C&V Update – DB (Paper).
The paper was circulated, discussed and noted.
Ref 10/18/01/2022
HMICFRS Inspection.
The draft HMICFRS Inspection report was discussed
Ref 11/18/01/2022
Date of next meeting.
16th February 2022, 14:00hrs, Willison