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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Date: 18th July 2024


John Campion (JPC) Chair Police and Crime Commissioner

Alex Murray (AM) T/Chief Constable

Richard Cooper (RC) T/Deputy Chief Constable

Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer

Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services

Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services

Rachel Jones (RJ) Assistant Chief Constable, Crime & Vulnerability

Grant Wills (GW) T/Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Operations

Charlie Milward (CM) OPCC Comms Officer (Minutes)


Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer

Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner



Introduction / Attendance / Apologies. Welcome and apologies were made.


Minutes and Action Log for the previous meeting
The minutes were recorded as an accurate record with no amendments noted.

The action log was updated accordingly.


Fleet Decarbonisation- For Decision The paper was presented and discussed.

RHL asked for approval to progress to full business case for option 4, as well the release of capital to support the development of full business case.

PCC was grateful for advanced briefing by force. However, the PCC asked if any further action has been taken to understand the EV pilot at Worcester.

RHL explained more work has been requested. Will provide further detail when received.

PB would like to understand how the charging infrastructure will be used. How will infrastructure be future proofed? Needs to be included in the work from the consultants.

Action: RHL to share analysis of EV pilot when available.


PCC is supportive of

  • progressing to full business case based on option 4

to release capital funding of £101,625 (£30k for a commissioned report, £50.250k for 9 months of a project manager and £21.375 for Business change officer for 9 months) to support the development of a full business case.


Money Matters – For Decision The paper was presented and discussed.

RM outlined a significant projected overspend to the revenue budget for 2024/25, together with proposed remedial actions. Further work is being undertaken to refine those actions and the PCC will be kept appraised as the work progresses.

PCC position was that it was for the CC to ensure that the policy intent regarding planned action was clear with the force on how to manage budget pressures and to ensure that Safer West Mercia Plan priorities and performance metrics are still being delivered.

PB asked if analysis can be conducted or provided of what certainties there are with the projected underspend in the capital programme.

RM agreed analysis can be done.

Action: Analysis to be conducted into capital programme projected underspends.

Decision: The virements listed in the report were approved by the PCC.


Treasury Management Prudential Indicators – For Information The paper was presented and discussed.

PB suggested future iterations of this paper can be delegated to the Joint Standards and Audit Committee – this was agreed by both the PCC and the CC.

Decisionthat responsibility for the quarterly treasury Management prudential indicator report is delegated to the JASC.

PCC and CC praised presentation and curation of paper.


HMICFRS PEEL Update – For Information

The paper was presented and discussed, along with a PowerPoint presentation.

RC explained this is still work in progress with the document to be presented in December to HMI.

RC explained that questions 4 and 5 present biggest risk.

Question 5 relates to investigation of crime. Can demonstrate really good progress. HMI will pay attention to this. Internal auditing suggests some vulnerability.

PCC asked if there was confidence that change in system has demonstrated a change in performance.

GW explained that performance oversight is being given every two weeks. Confident that there is performance benefit to changes that have been made.

PCC was reassured and grateful for early sight of the presentation being built.

CC said there is huge subjectivity. Best force in the country rated as adequate for investigations.


Firearms Licensing Unit update – For information The paper was presented and discussed.

GW explained that this continues to be a positive picture. Difficult to produce averages as still going through backlogs – looking at median as well as average times to provide an accurate reflection of reality.

Risk identified – increase in expired, unlawful certificates or licences and being handled as a matter of priority.

PCC reminded the Board of the requirement to provide a quarterly update to central Government and would be grateful if reports including data and narrative are aligned to that reporting cycle and requirements.

GW acknowledged and committed to ensuring this will be checked.

PCC added that he is seeing benefit of investment.

PB explained it would be helpful to have a more data driven analysis within the reports – tracking the additional resources and the impact on performance and service levels over time.

GW added that he would welcome later in the year once backlog comes down to discuss what performance looks like in this area.

Action: PCC asked for force to link in with OPCC Policy team to discuss performance data for firearms following work around backlog.


Net Zero Carbon Strategy – For information The paper was presented and discussed.

PCC welcomed the renewed effort. Pleased to see plans to spend less money on gas and electricity which will benefit the force.

Action: Requested that PCC branding and name is clear on document.


Change and Transformation – For information The paper was presented and discussed.

RC acknowledged issues with Citrix and stated this will be resolved by 31st March 2025.


Portfolio Updates.

Local Policing and Ops GW explained that in October to be in full FTE with call handlers. Looking to simplify recruitment process.

Next steps include call back function – people will maintain place in queue and big impact on abandonment rate.

PCC explained that the detail for this update was above and beyond what was expected and helpful in understanding content and resource in call centre.

PCC asked if force are recruiting to OCC to 110% of establishment, was this factored in the budget?

RM explained recruiting to 110% will achieve 100% FTE.

Business Services Paper presented and discussed.

PCC asked how much oversight is given to vehicles borrowed from dealers/manufacturers on a trial basis by force departments.

RHL explained updates are provided on vehicles being utilised, but level of oversight varies.

PCC outlined the importance of ensuring process is ethical and done for a legitimate public purpose that WMP/PCC represent.

Crime and Vulnerability PCC noted that the force should be very pleased with IITCSE report.

RJ offered credit to teams within force for their work around this.

PCC enquired about the anticipated impact of the early release of prisoners scheme.

RJ explained she has attended a regional meeting with LCJB partners. From initial analysis, local numbers released will be ca. 441 in West Midlands region in first draft.

RJ explained that the biggest concern is around support and reacclimatising back into the community. Reassurance was provided that planning will be in place.

Commercial Services Nothing of note.


AOB/Forward Plan. Nothing further raised.

TM asked force to provide any proposed changes to the Corporate Governance Framework by end of the month. Revisions will begin in early August so a draft edition can be provided at next WMGB.

CC raised information around early conversations taking place with AXON FUSUS which provides ability to inject and retrieve CCTV from any location public or private to laptop, phone or control centre and run AI over it. Public/business to sign up for police to access CCTV – it will not be accessed without permission – trial needs to show cause and effect and if successful, WMP would be one of first forces in the UK to use it.