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West Mercia Governance Board

Notes of Meeting

Date: 21st November 2024


John Campion (JPC) Chair Police and Crime Commissioner

Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer

Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer

Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer

Richard Cooper (RC) T/Chief Constable

Rachel Jones (RJ) T/Deputy Chief Constable

Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services

Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services

Caroline Marsh (CM) T/Assistant Chief Constable

Lisa Blakeman (LB) Secretary


Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner

Grant Wills (GW) Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Operations



Introduction / Attendance / Apologies.

The PCC welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were noted.


Review of Minutes & Action Log for the previous meeting on 24 October 2024.

The minutes were agreed to be a true and accurate record. The action log was updated accordingly.


Vulnerability Hub Progress Update – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.  CM gave the background and explained the proposed benefits to the centralised model which was used in a number of Forces.  Bridgnorth was the preferred location and CM asked the PCC for support in relation to partners.

The PCC stated it was a helpful paper but it would have been better to have received it earlier in the force’s implementation planning. The PCC confirmed he had not had any contact from politicians to date.

RHL confirmed that the hub was not currently on the Estates programme and no additional costs had not been budgeted for.  It had not yet gone to the Estates Governance Board (EGB) but had gone to the Estates Forum. GB set out that from an estates perspective there is no unallocated resource – the OPCC will need to work with WMP to agree reprioritisation and allocation of resource accordingly. The PCC’s view was that it should already have been received by the EGB in order to initiate the project from an estates perspective according to governance processes.  RHL confirmed it would be received by the EGB in December 2024.

RHL confirmed that agile working principles would be applied to reassure the PCC. The precise requirements of the accommodation would be further reviewed by WMP, taking account of the proposed staffing structure versus space required.

RC commented that there would have been benefit of the briefing being received sooner in the process. Potential savings in the report were discussed.

Action Ref 2024/84:  Vulnerability Hub – RM to provide further explanation of proposed savings.

  • The Board NOTED the Vulnerability Hub update
  • The Board NOTED a report would be received by the EGB on 16 December 2024 The Board REQUESTED an update 12 months after the hub was in place.


CSR Net Zero Report – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.  RM talked though the highlights and stated it was a good example of Estates Services working with the Force to drive positive outcomes.

The PCC thanked RM for the report. A question was raised around consistent approaches to energy provision – such as the use of portable heaters and kettles across office spaces. RM confirmed that Luke Deeley was working with Chris Speakman on this area which had also been discussed at the recent CSR Board.  Work would focus around savings, more efficient heating being put in place and communications to staff.


Money Matters PO7 – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.

RM reported a £1.7m overspend year to date, which reflects an improving picture compared to the previous quarterly projections. This was due to the partial recruitment freeze and reduction in overtime.

RM was expecting a difficult financial settlement next year.  The PCC thanked RM for the helpful update and requested a list of vacancies that had not been approved to be recruited to.

Action Ref 2024/85:  RM to provide a list of vacancies that had not been approved to be recruited in the January 2025 Money Matters report as an appendix.


HMICFRS PEEL Update – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.

RJ confirmed that strategic briefing had taken place and feedback had been broadly positive regarding the information provided and approach taken.

Urgent requests for information will be received into January as findings are collated.  The PCC was grateful to be invited to the briefing and set out that the force should be pleased with their performance in the briefing.  The PCC requested that this item is kept on the agenda of the December 2024 meeting as a high-level verbal summary.

The Board NOTED the HMICFRS PEEL Update.


Op Lincoln Gov Board Update – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.

Action Ref 2024/86: Op Lincoln – GB to check if MB had asked for further support from MPs via a follow up letter.


C&T Update – For Information.

The paper was presented and discussed.

A request will be raised to carry over capital spend.  Work continued to move brownfield to a more stable position and then to greenfield by June 2025, which will require a Decision Notice.

The PCC was supportive but was interested in further dialogue around how he can be reassured that the work and outcomes represents it was an efficient and effective service.


Portfolio Updates – For Information.

The portfolio reports were presented, discussed and noted.

Business Services.

Action Ref 2024/87:  RHL to provide an update to the PCC on fleet and capital programme in terms of actual / projected vehicle supply.

C&V – CM reports

LP & Ops

Commercial Services


Forward Plan

  • To be updated for 2025.
  • HAU to be added when date known.
  • Firearms licence report – Force and OPCC office to decide if the report will be ongoing.  GW to link in with TM and Charity Pearce. HMIC to be added from Jan/Feb 2025.

Action Ref 2024/88:  Firearms Licence Report – GW to link in with TM and Charity Pearce to decide if report to WMGB will be ongoing