West Mercia Governance Board
Notes of Meeting
Date: 24th October 2024
John Campion (JPC) Chair Police and Crime Commissioner
Marc Bayliss (MB) Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner
Paul Benfield (PB) Treasurer
Gareth Boulton (GB) Chief Executive Officer
Anthony Morriss (TM) Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Gareth Morris (GM) Chief Superintendent
Richard Cooper (RC) T/Chief Constable
Rachel Jones (RJ) T/Deputy Chief Constable
Richard Muirhead (RM) Director of Commercial Services
Rachel Hartland-Lane (RHL) Director of Business Services
Lisa Blakeman (LB) PA, Secretary
Rachel Conway (RC) Senior Business Support Officer
Grant Wills (GW) Assistant Chief Constable, Local Policing & Operations
Introduction / Attendance / Apologies JC welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies noted.
Review of Minutes & Action Log for the previous meeting on 19 September 2024.
The minutes were agreed to be a true and accurate record. The action log was updated accordingly.
Corporate Governance Framework – For Decision The paper was presented and discussed.
and discussed. GB explained that the framework was subject to annual review and minor changes had been agreed.
- The PCC verified that the proposed West Mercia Corporate Governance Framework was also supported by the T/Chief Constable on behalf of West Mercia Police.
The Corporate Governance Framework was approved. Recorded as a JOINT DECISION by the PCC and T/CC.
Annual Governance Statement – For Information and Signing The Annual Governance Statement was presented, discussed and noted.
The Board NOTED the Annual Governance Statement. Relevant individuals signed the document at the conclusion of the meeting.
Documentary Involvement Guidance The guidance was presented and discussed.
RHL explained that the process needed to be formalised by police forces following previous operational cases and issues.
The PCC questioned how relevant individuals would be consulted as part of the process, including himself / his office, given the potential for such engagements to be novel, contentious or repercussive.
Ref/06 & 07/24/10/2024
Positive Action Strategy – For Information
Retention Approach – For Information The two papers were presented and discussed together.
RHL presented the two documents which highlighted the activity WMP were already performing and it was important that the approach was formally documented. The discussion included:
- Recruitment and representation within the police force
- Links between the documents and the PCC’s police and crime plan
- Associated delivery plans that are in place.
- Representation from minority ethnic groups within senior ranks in West Mercia Police and attrition rates for officers from minority ethnic groups. The PCC suggested that dates might be added to the documents.
The Board NOTED the Positive Action Strategy and the Retention Approach documents.
HMICFRS PEEL Update – For Information The paper was presented and discussed.
RC reported that early feedback in the process had been broadly positively received.
Emerging questions included WMP’s ability to identify and record vulnerability. Strategic briefing to follow on 11 November 2024. RC was optimistic with the report and plans were in place to look at improvement and sustained improvement.
The Board NOTED the HMICFRS PEEL update.
Change & Transformation Update – For Information The paper was presented and discussed. RJ presented the report.
The PCC sought assurance that the four year Digital Forensics Transformation programme was on track and would not enter a further year. RJ confirmed that progress was being made and tracked via the Change and Transformation Board. She will continue to seek reassurance.
Item 13 brought forward:
SAAB Athena Business Case.
The paper was presented and discussed.
RM set out how the opportunity to integrate represented the chance for the force to realise a significant efficiency, equivalent to more than 100 hours of productivity per day.
The projected lifespans of both SAAB Safe and Athena were discussed as relevant considerations to the decision. Regardless of these factors however, the investment represents a significant efficiency opportunity which would clearly justify the investment.
It was clarified by RM that implementation will be as soon as possible, within the current financial year if resourcing can be agreed with providers. However, RM was confident of delivery.
The Board:
- CONSIDERED item 13 – Athena to SAFE Integration
The PCC APPROVED the paper and associated spend of £107,178
Firearms Licencing Quarterly Performance Update – For Information The paper was presented and discussed.
GM presented the reported headlines showing continued improvements in backlogs and waiting times for the public.
Challenges around licence renewals continues and activity is taking place to encourage people to apply earlier.
MB request further data on what “average days used” referred to, as this data was unclear. GM was not sure and committed to checking and returning.
Action Ref 2024/82: Provide further clarity, context and data regarding the term “average days used”, in respect of FLU performance.
The Board NOTED the report.
Op Azove and HSE Investigation – For Information The paper was presented and discussed.
GM set out brief context of the report, key findings and actions taken by WMP since.
Reassurance was sought regarding force culture around adherence to policy. GM stated that challenges exist in achieving adherence to smaller risks as well as larger ones, however he was satisfied the force had the appropriate equipment and that it was in the appropriate locations.
Action Ref 2024/83: Copy of response to HSE to be sent to the PCC when available.
The Board NOTED the report.
Money Matters – For Decision The paper was presented and discussed.
RM gave an explanation of the current budget position. A £4m in year overall overspend was being forecasted.
RM outlined the position in respect of ceasing all non-essential overtime and to institute a full recruitment freeze.
PB confirmed that the OPCC Estates Services budget had the most growth in underspend mainly due to utility bills being lower than expected. PB clarified that budget profiles were behind apparent discrepancies in some figures regarding ‘year to date’ spend, rather than inaccuracies.
JC concern around police officer pay and overtime increasing. RHL provided assurance regarding the right numbers of officers at the right time. The PCC expressed that he wanted the Force to return to a balanced budget and needed to see the whole picture from the force on how savings were going to be made. RM assured JC that interventions would take place to reduce overspend, including a review of Op Lincoln, by 25 November 2024.
RM referred to the projected OPCC underspend and potential for any further underspend to mitigate and offset the overall overspend position. JC set out his position that he is the governing body and believes the OPCC is living within its means, the force must do the same, and that it was not a responsible approach to budgeting to rely on underspends elsewhere. RM clarified the context of his original comment and apologised for any confusion caused regarding the PCC’s governance role.
The Board:
- NOTED the virements at section 2c
Athena to SAFE Integration – For Information Covered within agenda item 9.
Portfolio Updates – For Information The portfolio reports were presented, discussed and noted.
Local Policing
- Increase in Op Snap with a number of regular submitters.
- Good progress on hot spot work. Management of expectations regarding what happens as a result of Op Snap.
AOB There was no other business raised.
Forward Plan Sustainability reporting in November 2024 (RC)